Oct 15, 2023

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What? Biketober Green Drinks: Can Queenstown be a 10 Minute Town?
When? 7pm, Thursday 19 October
Where? Sudima Hotel, Five Mile

Ge tickets here

The 10 Minute Town Concept seeks to have all community facilities and services accessible within a 10 minute walk or cycle from homes or accessible by public transport services connecting people to larger scaled settlements." - The Southern Regional Assembly, Ireland. 

Could this ever be Queenstown?

Join our Biketober Green Drinks on Thursday 19th October where we'll be screening a short doco on what a bike town is actually like (of course it's in Europe...) followed by a panel discussion and open Q&A with our fabulous 'in the know' locals:

 Jen Smart is a founding trustee of the Lightfoot Initiative and now volunteers for the trust in advocacy and communications roles. Despite her famously bad sense of direction, Jen has a critical interest in transport design that centres humans and promotes connected communities.


Simon Telfer from Active Transport Wānaka has been a vocal advocate for active transport over the hill; a role that sits alongside his involvement in Bike Wānaka since 2017. Career wise Simon is a governance professional and chairs the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board. He can often be seen riding his bike.

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 This discussion will be facilitated by...

 Matt Wong who is a tourism leader, businessperson and community-builder here in Queenstown. Matt is also a Trustee of various community organisations including the Lightfoot Initiative and has recently been elected Councillor for the Queenstown Whakatipu Ward for QLDC. Matt is relatively new to the active travel scene, and understands the importance of taking a leadership role in this space.

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We are hugely grateful to Te Hau Toka for funding this Green Drinks through its 'Connecting Communities Fund' which is designed to support community-led activities and events which encourage people to find ways to connect, look after themselves and each other, and have some fun. 
  We look forward to seeing you on Thursday 19th October - don't forget to grab your $5 ticket and spread the word! All welcome and nibbles are included in your tickets!

This event is part of the Biketober calendar - an intiaitive from Wao Aotearoa and Get SMART, Get Moving.

Tickets available here

Spring Repair Cafes
in Frankton and Arrowtown!


FRANKTON - Sunday 15th October, Te Atamira, 11am - 3pm.
ARROWTOWN - Saturday 11th November, St John's Presbyterian Church, 10am - 2pm.

Wastebusters and Sustainable Queenstown are back with Repair Revolution Spring 2023! Come along with your broken items and be a part of this awesome sustainability effort, and watch the world become a better place, one fixed item at a time.

Want to volunteer at the Arrowtown Repair Cafe as a fixer or part of the event crew? Click this link

The Wao Summit is BACK and this year there's a whopping 12 events in Queenstown!

From 24th-29th October we've got the following right here in Queenstown:

 Building Community Resilience (emergency response)
 Rethinking Economics (a wellbeing economy)
 Building Better Builders' Breakfast (reducing building waste)
 Reducing Waste in the Building Sector
 Building Passive - Energy Efficiency in the Built Environment
 Materials Matter (circularity in construction)
 The Return to Solar Civilization (future of energy production)
 Waste Free Wanda (interactive environmental stage show for tamariki)
 Communication for Change (understand behaviour change for marketing & events)
 Living Lightly (waste reduction 101)
 Ki uta ki tai - Mountains to Ocean: Microplastics in in our Lakes
 Sustainable Communities Bus Tour (this sold out last year!).


You can get individual tickets or a Queenstown Summit Pass. Plus check out all the events happening in Wānaka - plus an online pass and bonus events in Glenorchy at the start of November!

Queenstown Wao Summit Events Tickets

You can still HELP KiwiHarvest Queenstown!

s you may know, Sustainable Queenstown first brought the KiwiHarvest legends to our town in 2018 and since then their team has made a deep impact in reducing food waste and getting much needed food into our community.


 This is a blow to the seriously important mahi their small team does in our community.

They've had massive funding cuts and now can't afford to keep their depot on Glenda Drive where they store all the rescued food and their mighty green van.

Help if you can and please spread the word.

Click here to help!


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