Sustainable Glenorchy

Sustainable Glenorchy (SG)Beyond the township's stunning natural setting, this being the facade seen by the casual visitor, Sustainable Glenorchy’s focus is to ensure, through careful ongoing management, that the air, water and soil in our community continue to be as pure as possible for future generations.

We encourage individuals and groups in our community to embrace sustainable waste practices so that our rate of consumption does not exceed nature's rate of replenishment, and to become more self-sufficient in our needs for food, clothing and household items, working towards maintaining an environment where noise, light, soil and air pollution are minimised and creativity is fostered.

SG envisions that Glenorchy inhabitants interested in any sustainable practice get together regularly to share ideas, stimulating one another to grow and develop new initiatives.

A key consideration for SG is climate change and the impact our carbon footprint is having on the environment. With this in mind, SG also aims to ensure that local and central government decisions that affect the people and the environment of Glenorchy are made with meaningful public involvement and discussion; with complete and reliable information; and following the required statutory processes. These decisions should be consistent with the principles of sustainable management according to the Resource Management Act (RMA) and the Glenorchy Community Plan.

Membership is obtained by written application and upon payment of a small annual membership fee. Contact or Bruce Farmer or 022 499 4292

Click here to read the CONSTITUTION & RULES SGY INC FINAL DRAFT under 2022 Act.

Donations welcome.

Bank account: 031355 0890246 00

Last updated 13 March 2024