Jul 15, 2018

This week the library will have the first Changing of the Guard in a while as Leslie VG is going to be stepping into Kate’s role of community librarian

As we all know, no one could fill her shoes, though many of us would like to own some of them!

A huge thank you, Kate, from everyone for all of your years of service… for making library such a fun and welcoming place to be and for all of the fantastic recommendations of books, forgiveness of those of us who might be ‘delinquent borrowers’ or even on the banned list, and for always greeting everyone with a smile, even the smallest of people returning the stickiest of books. We know you’re not going far and that you’ll be filling in whenever Leslie’s out of town, but just a big thank you to you for a job very well done!

As library starts new happy hour hours on Fridays (5-7pm) maybe we can convince Kate to come by so we can shout her a drink, or have her swear at the computer one last time as she skips merrily out the door! 

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